Which Battery is used in Electric 2 Wheelers

The battery is one of the vital components of an electric two-wheeler. Basically, batteries function is to preserve the energy, it used to supply power to the motor, lights, and other parts. It also helps to start the vehicle.Lets know which battery is used in electric two wheeler, and what it does.

This post will explore the battery- types, functions, importance, care, and important battery brand in India as well as globally. And top-range battery scooters in India.

Battery capacity is measured by amp-hours (Ah). The higher amp-hour is considered battery works for a long time on a single charge. The battery voltage is measured in volts (V). The higher the voltage, the more power the battery will produce.

An important point to note Capacity of battery decides the distance that an electric two-wheeler can run on a single charge. Its range depends on a number of factors, including the battery capacity, the speed of the vehicle, and the weight carried by the vehicle (rider’s weight or anything he is carrying).

Battery should be charged regularly to maintain its long life. It has to keep protect in the exposure of extreme- cool, hot, and moisture conditions.

Please note battery is one of the costliest components in an electric two-wheeler.

The important functions of the battery in an electric two-wheeler

Power to motor

The battery provides the power that is used to turn the motor. The amount of power that the battery can deliver determines the top speed of the vehicle.

Starting the vehicle

The battery provides the power that is also used to start the vehicle. This is especially important in electric two-wheelers that do not have a kick starter.

Running lights and other fitments

The battery provides the power to run the lights and different fitments on the vehicle like headlights, taillights, turn signals, and horns.

Storing energy

The battery stores the energy that is generated by the regenerative braking system.

Types of Battery

There are mainly two types of battery being used in electric two-wheelers-

1.      lead-acid batteries

2.      Lithium-ion batteries

Lead Acid Battery

The lead acid battery is a rechargeable battery that uses lead and lead oxide plates submerged in a sulfuric acid electrolyte.it is one of the oldest batteries which is being frequently used in earlier days.

Still, it is in use in some of the components I am listing below, this battery is not used in electric vehicles as a main power generator, there are many different uses for lead acid batteries, such as:

Uses for lead acid batteries

·        Systems for starting,

·        Lighting,

·        Radios, flashlights, and lamps that are lightweight and portable

·        Wind and solar energy systems

·        UPSs (uninterruptible power systems)

·         Ignition (SLI) in cars and other vehicles

·        Telephone, computer, and other electronic device backup power

·        Golf carts, electric cars, and other vehicles with batteries

lead acid batteries are the following advantages

·        Low price

·        Widely accessible

·        Length of time

·        The capacity to endure deep discharges.

However, they also have a few disadvantages, such as

·        High rate of self-discharge

·        Energy density is low

·        Intolerance of extreme temperatures

·        Heavy metal lead is harmful to the environment.

Lithium-ion battery

A rechargeable battery known as a lithium-ion battery uses lithium ions as the charge carriers. In electric two-wheelers, this is the battery type that is most frequently utilised.

Moreover as Compared to other battery types, lithium-ion batteries have a number of benefits, such as: a high density of energy

·        length of time quick charging

·        Low rate of self-discharge

·        Low in weight

·        With their longer range and quicker charge times, 

lithium-ion batteries are perfect for use in electric two-wheelers.

However, at this moment lithium-ion batteries also have some limitations, as we had seen in recent past lot of technology advancement and newer manufacturer entry makes it more comitative and we will overcome with this limitation in coming days.

·        High price 

·        High-temperature sensitivity

·        Protect from Extreme heat, cold, and moisture.

The advantages of lithium-ion batteries in electric two-wheelers include the following

Increased range

Remarkably Compared to other battery types, lithium-ion batteries have a higher energy density, which allows them to store more energy in a given amount of space. Due to this, electric two-wheelers may travel farther on a single charge.

Lithium-ion batteries can be charged more quickly, allowing electric two-wheelers to resume operation in a matter of minutes.


Lithium-ion batteries are smaller and more portable than other battery types, which might enhance their handling and performance in electric two-wheelers.

Longer lifespan

Compared to other battery types, lithium-ion batteries have a longer lifespan, which means they can endure for several years before needing to be replaced.

Worldwide Battery Supplier

Please find below the name of some companies-the biggest producer and worldwide battery supplier-

  • BYD (China),
  • Samsung
  • Panasonic
  • CAIL
  • LG Chem (South Korea),

Some of the Indian Lithium-ion battery manufacturers-

Top Claimed Long Battery Brands/Per Charge

  1.  S1 240, S1 200 From iVOOMi – offer the range of 240km/charge
  2. Simple one- From simple energy- offers the range of 212 km/charge 

    3. Ola S1 Pro from Ola Electric- offers a range of 170 km/charge.

4. Hero Electric NYX HX-  Offers the Range of 165Km/charge

5. Ather 450 X GEN3- Offers the range of 146km/charge

6. TVS iQube-  Offers the range of 120km/charge


The battery is the major component of an electric two-wheeler, it requires our special attention to get maximum output for a longer time with proper care and maintenance. 

Notably, the battery is one of the costliest components in an electric two-wheeler. There are lot many technological advancements going on for battery safety and performance, we already have good batteries available in our country. the day will come when we can get the batteries for electric two-wheelers at affordable prices.

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