What is the lifespan of electric scooters in India?

Understanding the Lifespan of Electric Scooters

Electric scooter is a new way of transportation, we have seen these scooter is gaining popularity in across the country for last 2-3 years.

Friends, whenever we talk about electric scooters, we get a lot of information from various ways, but one question that is very well known and it is unsolved – What is the total life of the electric scooter? or how many years it lasts.

In this post, we will try to calculate the life of an electric scooter on the basis of some available data and also learn how the life and performance of an electric scooter can be increased.

The surge in electric scooter popularity

The revolution in the electric scooter has been seen in the last 2 years. And it has been widely accepted because of its eco-friendly nature, cost-effectiveness, and many more advantages.

Battery – The Heart of the Electric Scooter

As the battery is a very important part of the electric scooter, we can also call it the heart of the electric scooter.

In fact, majorly battery itself determines the total lifespan of the electric scooter.

The significance of the scooter’s battery

The cost of the battery in an electric scooter is 50% of the total cost of a scooter. Having a good battery determines the longevity of the scooter. Whereas other parts like motor, digital console, electrical components, tyres, etc. can be repaired or replaceable it does not cost much.

Most electric scooter manufacturers offer a 3–6-year warranty on the battery. The modern age electric scooters are having Lithium-Ion batteries which are known for their high energy density and long life.

Battery’s role in determining scooter lifespan

Lithium-ion battery life is determined by the battery cycle means one cycle is complete charging and discharging rotation. This lithium-ion battery is further classified on the basis of its chemical structure and characteristics. The most popular lithium-ion batteries are-

1.      NMC Lithium-ion battery (nickel, manganese, and cobalt)  

2.      LFP lithium-ion battery (Lithium, iron, phosphate)

NMC vs. LFP Lithium-ion batteries

Both Li-ion batteries have their pros and cons. However, LFP lithium iron phosphate batteries have many advantages over other lithium batteries, such as extended life span, low maintenance, high safety, lightweight, better discharge and charge performance, and better temperature stability.

Furthermore, the LFP lithium iron phosphate battery can also be used in extreme temperature ranges, making it an ideal battery for electric scooters.

An additional benefit of LFPs Batteries is that they are safe from thermal runaway conditions, such as fire. Which has another important advantage for safety.

Some of the most popular e-scooters in India including Ather, Revolt, Simple One, and Ampere, are using LFP batteries.

Notably, major EV car manufacturers such as Tesla and Tata Motors, as well as BYD, use LFP batteries in their vehicles.

The Government of India is promoting the use of LFPs in all-electric vehicles.

Calculating Electric Scooter Lifespan

LFP Lithium-ion battery offers a battery cycle of 1500-2000. If suppose any electric scooter gives the actual range of 70km/Charge (1 cycle) means – (the actual range may be differentiated from models)

70 km x 1500(cycle)=1,05,000 Km.

Real-World Example

If your Average per day usage is 30km then the total life will be 3500 Days. And Approx 10 Years is the lifespan of an electric scooter Run properly.

Factors Affecting Battery Life

However, like other batteries, the battery of an electric scooter also degrades over a period of time. The life of the battery depends on its quality and proper use. Major factors such as frequent charging, exposure to extreme temperatures, and overcharging can cause the degradation of battery life.

Following are some important tips for the long life and optimum performance of your electric scooter, which you can follow to improve the battery life and overall performance of your electric scooter.

Tips for Prolonging Scooter Life

Regular Charging

It is recommended to charge your scooter regularly, but be cautious not to overcharge it. Many electric scooters come with a battery management system(BMS) that prevents overcharging, but it’s still advisable to unplug it once fully charged.

Storage Temperature

To ensure optimal battery life for your scooter, it is recommended to store it in a cool and dry location, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. It’s important to note that exposure to high heat can potentially reduce the lifespan of the battery.

Avoid Deep Discharges

Try not to deplete your battery completely before recharging. Lithium-ion batteries prefer to stay within a specific charge range for optimal longevity.

The Role of Maintenance

Maintaining your electric scooter regularly is important for its longevity and health. If you neglect maintenance, your scooter may experience premature wear and tear, which can ultimately shorten its lifespan.

Regular Maintenance

Performing regular maintenance tasks is important for your scooter to function smoothly. These tasks include checking and tightening bolts, lubricating moving parts, inspecting tyres for wear and proper inflation, and cleaning the scooter to prevent damage from dirt and debris. It’s also important to keep an eye on the brakes and replace them when they show signs of wear.

Maintenance tasks for scooter longevity

It is important to have efficient brakes on your scooter to ensure your safety and prolong the life of your vehicle. By following a maintenance schedule and addressing any issues promptly, you can greatly extend the lifespan of your electric scooter. This way you will save your money on the cost of repairs or replacements in the future.

The Importance of Riding Style

How you ride your electric scooter greatly impacts the lifespan of the electric scooter. Riding aggressively, with quick acceleration, sharp turns, and frequent hard braking, can strain the scooter’s components and cause faster wear and tear. This may shorten the scooter’s lifespan.

How riding style influences scooter lifespan

To ensure your electric scooter lasts as long as possible and you have a safe and enjoyable ride, it’s important to ride smoothly and gently. Gradually accelerate, take corners at a moderate pace, and use the brakes appropriately. Following these guidelines will help extend the lifespan of your scooter and keep you safe while riding.

Environmental Factors

Environmental conditions can affect the life of your electric scooter. Extreme heat and cold can impact battery performance, as mentioned earlier. Additionally, exposure to rain and moisture can lead to rust and electrical issues.

To mitigate these factors, consider storing your scooter indoors or investing in a weatherproof cover. If you do ride in wet conditions, make sure to dry your scooter thoroughly afterward and perform any necessary maintenance to prevent long-term damage.

The Role of Quality and Brand

When purchasing an electric scooter, the quality and brand matter. Scooters from reputable manufacturers often come with better build quality, more reliable components, and longer-lasting batteries. While they may be pricier upfront, they can offer a more extended overall lifespan and better performance.

Before buying, research different brands and models, read reviews, and consider the warranty offered. Investing in a high-quality scooter can pay off in the long run by reducing the frequency of repairs and replacements.


In conclusion, the lifespan of electric scooters varies based on several factors, including battery care, maintenance, riding style, terrain, and environmental conditions. By taking proper care of your scooter, adopting a gentle riding style, and choosing a high-quality model, you can ensure that your electric scooter serves you well for many years.

Remember that the key to a long-lasting electric scooter is diligent care and responsible use. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can maximise the value of your investment and continue to enjoy the convenience and eco-friendliness of electric scooters for years to come.

Unlock the mysteries of electric scooter lifespans today and ride on with confidence! Get the most out of your eco-friendly urban companion now.

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