What is The Electric Scooter? Know Everything About E-Scooter

What is the electric scooter? What are the advantages of electric scooters? How does it work? What will happen to existing gasoline scooters? Is it safe? Why buy?

Whenever we hear about electric scooters these are the common questions that arise in our mind, since the electric scooter is a new way of transportation in our country it is quite common for everyone to know everything about electric scooters.

Electric scooters are one of the new ways of two-wheeled transportation. Which shows a significant presence in the Indian automobile sector. Which has registered a growth of almost 300% over the past year.

In this post, we will answer all these questions and hopefully, you will learn all you need to know about electric scooters.

What is the Electric scooter? How does it Work?

The electric scooter is a new way of personal mobility transport option that is powered by a rechargeable battery. When the rider accelerates the throttle of the electric scooter, the battery starts releasing electrical energy with the help of the Control unit to the motor, and the motor starts moving. It converts this electrical energy to mechanical energy, which further propels the vehicle forward.

The Major components Used in electric scooters


The battery is the key vital component of electric scooters, usually nowadays, in the new generation of electric scooters, a lithium-ion battery is used, which is known for its high density of storage capacity and longer life.

Lithium-ion batteries are used in many of the equipment; for example, your mobile phone also contains a lithium-ion battery.

Basically, the battery’s function is to preserve energy; it is used to supply power to the motor, lights, and other parts. It also helps to start the vehicle.

Fundamentally Battery capacity is measured in amp-hours (Ah). The higher amp-hour is considered a battery that works for a long time on a single charge. The battery voltage is measured in volts (V). The higher the voltage, the more power the battery will produce.

The range of electric scooters is determined by their battery capacity (Ah). Higher capacity will run for longer distances.


Motor is another very important component of an electric scooter, usually, the motor is located in the rear wheel of the scooter.

The Basic function of the motor in an electric two-wheeler is to propel the vehicle forward, by converting electric energy to mechanical energy.

Furthermore, the very interesting feature of an electric scooter is that during braking, whenever we use the brakes of an electric scooter to get it slower or stop at a traffic signal or for any other purpose, the motor starts acting like a generator, and it starts converting the vehicle’s kinetic energy into electrical energy. This added energy is stored in the battery for later use.

There are many kinds of motors available, but in electric scooters, the finest quality BLDC Motor (Brushless direct current) is being used as it doesn’t have brushes and commutators, resulting in less friction and an improvement in efficiency.

However, in the absence of mechanical components in BLDC motors, they perform for a longer lifespan and have the lowest maintenance costs, give a smoother and quieter ride to riders, and are the right option for urban mobility as well as high-performance bikes. It is the most common motor used in Indian electric two-wheelers.


As the name suggests, “controller” is a component, that controls all the functions that go on an electric two-wheeler, it is like the brain of an electric two-wheeler that regulates the entire function and sends the correct message to the motor, battery, and other parts to run the vehicle smoothly.

In the propulsion process (vehicle moving forward) of an electric two-wheeler, the controller is like a bridge between the battery and the motor.

Important to note controller plays an important role in regulating power, controlling speed and torque, managing regenerative braking, and ensuring safety, It also plays a lead role in enhancing performance, extending battery life, and providing a superior riding experience.

Display and Throttle

The modern-age electric scooter has a fully digital display that provides various information like Range, speed, battery status, speed control, Geo direction, Bluetooth-enabled services, hazards signal, etc.

Apart from this, like other scooters, electric scooters have other components like Brakes (Disc and drum), Throttle, body frame, tubeless tyres, Headlight, tail light, horn, etc.

So far, you know about the electric scooter, its function, components, and features.

Let’s know more about the following:

What are the advantages of an electric two-wheeler? Why is it on trend?

A big change is taking place on the roads of India in the form of electric vehicles. Electric scooters are becoming more and more popular, and they have a lot of advantages over their counterparts, the petrol scooters (ICE-Internal combustion engine).

Electric scooters are making our cities cleaner, quieter, and easier to get around. Below, I am listing down the advantages of electric scooters and the reasons for trending.

Environment Friendly

One big advantage of electric scooters is that they’re friendly to the environment. As an electric scooter is powered by a rechargeable battery, it doesn’t emit any harmful gases into our environment. unlike regular scooters that make noise and pollute. It helps our city’s air become fresher and healthier.

Minimal Noise

Have you ever thought about how noisy our streets are? Regular scooters, bikes, or any other ICE vehicles make a lot of noise, but electric scooters are much quieter. When you ride an electric scooter (or any electric vehicle), it’s like gliding peacefully through the streets. No more loud engine noises!

Low Maintenance Cost and pocket-friendly

Electric scooters have very minimal moving parts compared to petrol scooters; they don’t require very regular maintenance and changes like oils, lubricants, filters, etc., and they have the lowest maintenance cost.

Moreover, it can Be easily recharged in a home or office with the help of normal electric sockets, has very minimal electric consumption, the cost per charge of electric consumption is 12–15 Rs, and it gives a range of 70–120 km/Charge.

Whereas the petrol scooter/bike, the equal range cost is more than 100 Rs (INR). The initial cost of an electric scooter at this moment might be on the higher side, but for long-term use, considering all these advantages, it is cost-effective and pocket friendly.

 Government Support and Initiative

Global warming is a serious cause of concern around the world. Our Indian government has taken multiple initiatives to counter this issue, including in the automobile sector, and to encourage people to use electric scooters (and all-electric vehicles).

Furthermore, the Indian government is giving a lot of support to the country’s people to adopt electric vehicles, like the FAME Scheme, which gives a discount on price as well as a lower tax slab that also makes electric scooters affordable for everyone.

Additionally, govt has also started aggressively expanding the plan for a country-wide fast-charging infrastructure with the help of public and private sector service providers that will be greatly helpful to all-electric vehicle users.

What will happen to existing gasoline scooters?

Looking at the several advantages and features offered by electric vehicles, all the new users are surely thinking before buying any vehicle about electric vehicles as well.

With the advancement in battery technology and charging infrastructure development, it has been projected that by the next 7–10 years, a total of 80% of two-wheelers will be replaced by electric two-wheelers.

Is an electric scooter safe?

Safety is one of the most important criteria for deciding the future of any motor transport vehicle.

Electric scooters are not only environmentally friendly options but also safety-conscious vehicles. Their stability, smart braking systems, protective design, and traffic-friendly nature all work together to make electric scooters a secure choice for navigating India’s bustling roads. With the advancement in technology to improve the safety part of electric scooters, they are going to be a safer and more sustainable option for the transportation system of India.

In the Conclusion

Electric scooters have become a symbol of progress in a world driven by innovation. As we explore the world of e-scooters, we’ve learned a lot about these sleek, eco-friendly scooters. And also, we understand what an electric scooter is and everything about it.

In the end, the e-scooter isn’t just a way to get around; it’s a sign of our dedication to a cleaner, safer, and greener future.

Let’s adopt it, we’re in the beginning of an electric revolution. The wheels of progress are turning with every ride on an e-scooter.


What is the range (mileage) of an electric scooter on a single charge?

The range of an electric scooter varies depending on factors like battery capacity, terrain, rider weight, and speed. Generally, e-scooters have a range of 60–100 km per charge.

How can I charge an electric scooter?

Electric scooters can be charged by plugging them into a standard electrical outlet at home or anywhere. It usually takes 4-5 hours to fully charge.

Do I need a driver’s license to ride an electric scooter?

The low-speed electric scooter, which has a maximum speed of 25 km/h and is powered by a 250-Watt electric motor, is exempt from driving license in India.

Whereas all other electric scooters need a valid driving license to ride on roads.

How fast can an electric scooter go?

Electric scooter speeds typically range from 25-80 kmph. depending on the model being used.

What Are the safety tips for riding an electric scooter?

Yes, safety is very important when you are riding an electric scooter. Wear a helmet, follow traffic rules, and stay in designated lanes if available.

Additionally, familiarise yourself with the scooter’s controls before riding.

How much does an electric scooter cost?

The cost of an electric scooter varies depending on the brand, features, and specifications. It Ranges from India’s INR 80K–170K.

What maintenance and service are required for an electric scooter?

Electric scooters require minimal maintenance compared to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. Regularly check tyre pressure, keep the scooter clean, and ensure that all components are in good working condition. And ensure periodic service as advised by the manufacturer.

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