Top 11 safety tips for electric two-wheeler India

Safety Tips for Electric Two-Wheeler Scooters & Bikes

Electric scooters and bikes are becoming more and more popular in India. These electric two-wheelers are Not only an eco-friendly way to travel, but they are also a convenient way to get around in urban areas.

However, just like any other kind of vehicle, electric scooters, and bikes also need to be used safely. Therefore, it is important to ensure that they are used safely while riding.

In this guide, we are going to provide you with essential 11 safety tips for electric scooters and bikers. These tips will help you to ride your electric scooter or bike safely and with confidence so that you can enjoy your joyous journey.

The Right Gear Matters

Wearing the right gear is important for safeguarding yourself while riding a two-wheeler. Start with a well-fitting helmet, which should be worn securely at all times, ensuring maximum protection for your head in case of any mishaps.

Additionally, equip yourself with comfortable riding gear such as elbow and knee pads, gloves, and appropriate footwear, which can reduce the impact of falls and injuries.

Know your Electric two-wheeler

Before you set off on your ride to an electric bike/scooter, take the time to thoroughly understand the controls and features of your vehicle. Familiarize yourself with the brakes, throttle, lights, and other important functions. Doing so in a safe environment will help you feel more confident and in control. 

Obey the traffic Rules

E-scooters/bikes may be smaller than cars, but one must adhere to traffic rules and regulations. Obey traffic signals, follow speed limits, and always stay in your lane. Using a turn indicator when turning can also help other motorists anticipate your movements.

Be Mindful of Pedestrians

When you ride on your e-scooter, be respectful of pedestrians sharing the road. Slow down near pedestrian crossings, zebra crossings, and crowded areas. Yield the right of way when necessary, and always be prepared to stop if pedestrians unexpectedly cross your path.

Stay Visible and Use Lights

During low-light conditions. Make yourself as visible as possible to other motorists by using lights. Additionally, ensure your e-scooter has working headlights, taillights, and indicators to signal your presence and intentions to others.

Watch Out for Road Conditions

Indian roads can be unpredictable, so it’s essential to stay vigilant and aware of the terrain you’re riding on. Watch out for potholes, bumps, and uneven surfaces that could cause instability or accidents. Avoid speeding on rough roads, and maintain a safe distance from other vehicles, giving yourself ample time to react to sudden changes in traffic flow.

Keep a Safe Distance

Keep a safe distance from Larger Vehicles In busy traffic, it’s easy for e-scooters to get lost in the blind spots of larger vehicles. To avoid potential collisions, always maintain a safe distance from trucks, buses, and cars. If you’re riding next to a larger vehicle, ensure that the driver can see you and adjust your position if necessary.

Keep your eyes on the road

E-scooters/bikes can be used for a variety of activities, so it’s important to keep your eyes on the road at all times. Avoid distractions such as texting, calling, music, or using headphones, just like you would when driving a car. It’s also important to be alert and attentive to avoid any unexpected situations, so you can react quickly to them.

Regular Maintenance and Checks

E-scooters/bikes are safer when they’re always in good condition. Make sure to regularly inspect them for any issues such as tyre pressure, brake pressure, lights, battery health, etc. This will ensure they’re in good working order and reduce the risk of mechanical failures.

Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines

Follow the manufacturer guidelines like- the scooter’s safety information, such as weight and age limits and the meaning of the indication that appears on the display screen. Battery maintenance guidelines, range, etc. importantly the scheduled periodic maintenance.

Some additional Precautions

  • Don’t ride under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This can impair your judgment and make you more likely to have an accident.
  • Don’t overload your scooter. Carrying too much weight can make it difficult to control your scooter and increase your risk of a fall.
  • Be prepared for the weather. If you are riding in wet or icy conditions, be extra careful. Slow down and use your brakes more often.
  • Don’t ride in unsafe conditions. If your scooter is damaged or malfunctioning, don’t ride it. Get it repaired or replaced before you ride again.


Riding an e-scooter is an exhilarating experience, but it comes with a great responsibility for your safety and that of others. By following these Indian e-scooter safety tips, you can make your rides not only enjoyable but also secure. Remember, safe riding practices are essential to create a harmonious and accident-free environment on the roads.

By following these safety tips, you can help to keep yourself safe while riding an electric scooter in India.

FAQs- Know More

Do I need a license to ride an electric two-wheeler in India?

Yes, you are required to have a valid driver’s license to ride an e-scooter in India. Make sure to obtain the appropriate license for two-wheelers (two-wheeler licenses) before hitting the roads. 

Notably, there is also an Electric 2-wheeler with a 250-watt electric motor with a maximum speed of 25 kmph exempted from driving license in India. Examples are- Kinetic Green Zing electric scooter, Okaya Freeway electric scooter, Hero electric flash e2, Okinawa light, etc.

Is it safe to ride an electric two-wheeler during monsoon season?

Riding an e-scooter during the monsoon season requires extra caution due to slippery roads and reduced visibility. It’s best to avoid riding during heavy rains and flooded areas to ensure your safety.

Can I ride an electric two-wheeler on the sidewalk or on pedestrian paths?

No, riding e-scooters on sidewalks or pedestrian paths is not allowed in most Indian cities. E-scooters are considered motor vehicles and should be ridden on the road, following traffic rules.

How often should I check the brakes and tires of my e-scooter or bike?

Regular maintenance is crucial for e-scooter safety. Check the brakes and tires at least once a month and before every long journey. Replace worn-out parts promptly.

Are electric scooters safe for night rides?

Night rides on an e-scooter can be safe if you take adequate precautions. Use proper lighting and reflective accessories to yourself visible to others on the road, and avoid poorly lit areas.

What should I do in case of an accident with an e-scooter?

In case of an accident, move your e-scooter to a safe location and check for injuries. Call for medical assistance if needed and inform the police about the incident. Collect relevant details of the other parties involved and report the accident to your insurance company.

Can I ride my e-scooter in heavy traffic?

Riding an e-scooter in heavy traffic requires heightened awareness and patience. If you are an experienced rider and confident in navigating through traffic, it can be done safely, but exercise extreme caution.

Can I modify my e-scooter for better performance?

Modifying an e-scooter may compromise its safety and legality. It is recommended to avoid unauthorized modifications and stick to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Is it mandatory to wear a helmet while riding an e-scooter in India?

Yes, wearing a helmet is mandatory for both riders and passengers on e-scooters in India. Always wear a helmet that conforms to safety standards to protect your head in the event of a collision or fall.

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