How to charge electric Scooter ? Home and outside

Are you new to this exciting new generation of electric scooter or Bikes? And when your electric scooter’s battery power runs low, the first thing that comes to mind is how to charge your electric scooter at home or outside from home. The first thing you’ll need to do is learn how to charge e-scooter. … Read more

All Season Care for Electric Two-Wheelers

Caring for your electric two-wheeler around the year is essential to ensure its performance, safety, and longevity. By following the tips provided in this all-season care guide, you can keep your electric vehicle in all-time good condition, whether it’s summer, winter, or rainy days. From protecting the battery during extreme temperatures to ensuring visibility during … Read more

Electric Two Wheeler Powertrain Function

Powertrain Let us understand first what is the powertrain—the most commonly used word in all kinds of automotive vehicles. In very simple words, the powertrain is a joint effort of the entire mechanism of the vehicle which propels the vehicle to move forward. Nowadays, electric vehicles are becoming more popular than ever before, and electric … Read more

Important Things to check before buying an Electric Scooter

Introduction With rising concerns over environmental pollution and the need for sustainable transportation options, electric scooters have become increasingly popular in India. These sleek, eco-friendly vehicles are not only cost-effective but also offer a convenient and efficient mode of transportation. However, before you jump on the electric scooter buying decision, it’s equally important to consider … Read more

Future of Electric Two-Wheelers in India: Benefits & Current Limitations

Introduction In the recent time electric two wheeler has emerged as a future mobility for sustainable transportation options in urban area. the acceptance and growth of electric two wheeler is substantially remarkable. In todays post, we will explore the “future of electric two-wheelers in India-benefits & limitations”. As an eco-friendly mode of transportation, electric two … Read more

What is the Reason for Fire incidents? In Electric Scooters

Let’s Understand why are Fire Incidents in Electric Scooters. How can be Prevented? As electric scooters continue to gain popularity as a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation, it is essential to address the concerns surrounding fire incidents associated with these vehicles. While fires in electric scooters are relatively rare, understanding the causes, risks, and … Read more

Why To Choose EV Two-Wheeler

The Beginner’s Guide: Exploring the Advantages of Electric Two-Wheelers  Welcome to the beginner’s guide on “why to choose electric two-wheeler” in India, is a smart decision. In this post, we’ll explore the advantages that electric two-wheelers offer, from cost savings to environmental benefits. With the rising concerns about pollution, and the need for sustainable transportation … Read more

Top 5 electric scooters for girls in 2023 India

The emergence of electric scooters in India is gaining popularity, especially among girls, Electric scooters are a great choice for many reasons. Moreover,they are better for the environment compared to traditional petrol-driven scooters, because they don’t produce harmful carbon dioxide. Besides being eco-friendly, they are also cost-effective in the long run as you don’t need … Read more

What controller do in Electric Two Wheeler

As the name suggests “controller” is a component, which controls all the function that goes on an electric two-wheeler, it is like a brain of an electric two-wheeler that regulate the entire function and sent the correct message to the motor, battery, and other parts to run the vehicle smoothly. An important point to note … Read more

Which Battery is used in Electric 2 Wheelers

The battery is one of the vital components of an electric two-wheeler. Basically, batteries function is to preserve the energy, it used to supply power to the motor, lights, and other parts. It also helps to start the vehicle.Lets know which battery is used in electric two wheeler, and what it does. This post will … Read more