All Season Care for Electric Two-Wheelers

Caring for your electric two-wheeler around the year is essential to ensure its performance, safety, and longevity. By following the tips provided in this all-season care guide, you can keep your electric vehicle in all-time good condition, whether it’s summer, winter, or rainy days. From protecting the battery during extreme temperatures to ensuring visibility during adverse weather, each season requires specific attention.

Electric two-wheelers are becoming more and more popular as they offer a clean, efficient, eco-friendly, and affordable means of transport. Since electric two-wheelers are a newer concept in our country, most buyers are using them for the first time among the vehicles.

Therefore, it is important to understand how to properly care for your electric scooter throughout the year with the seasonal changes to get the best performance out of your vehicle.

Particularly, in extreme weather conditions such as heavy rain, extreme summer, cold or wet. Proper care is needed.

In this comprehensive all-season care guide, we will cover all the essential maintenance steps for your electric two-wheeler, ensuring it stays in good condition during summer, winter, and rainy seasons.

Summer Care

During the summer months, with temperatures rise and we are more exposed to sunlight. As we know in our country, in some areas, temperatures rise up to 48 degrees Celsius. In these conditions, we must follow the following steps to keep our vehicle running well during the hot summer months.

Summer is the time of the year when the temperatures and humidity are high. This is the time when you need to make sure that your electric two-wheeler is in good condition. The heat causes the battery to run out faster.

However, there is nothing to be more worried about it. Here are some easy summer care tips that will help you get the most out of your e-scooter.

Keep It Cool

Avoid leaving your electric two-wheeler under direct sunlight for a longer time. High temperatures can negatively impact the battery’s performance and lifespan. Whenever possible, park it in a shaded area or use a vehicle cover.

Check Tire Pressure Regularly

Hot weather can cause tire pressure to fluctuate. Ensure your tires are properly inflated by checking their pressure regularly. Maintaining the correct tire pressure enhances your vehicle’s stability and efficiency.

Check the battery regularly

The battery is the most important part of your electric two-wheeler, so it is important to check it regularly. Ensure the battery is fully charged before you ride, and check the battery level frequently while riding.

Clean your electric two-wheeler regularly

The heat and humidity can cause dirt and dust to build up on your electric two-wheeler. This can reduce the efficiency of the vehicle and make it look dirty. Clean your electric two-wheeler regularly with a damp cloth.

Lubricate the moving parts

Although an e-scooter is having very fewer moving parts, nevertheless some of the parts, such as the brakes and suspension, can become dry and stiff in hot weather. Lubricate these parts regularly with manufacturer-advised oil to keep them working smoothly.

Winter Care

How to Prepare Your Electric Two-Wheeler for Winter

Winter is one of the coldest times of the year and extreme cold temperatures can affect your electric 2-wheeler. The cold temperatures can cause your battery to run low. Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to winter care:

Warm Up the Battery

Cold temperatures can reduce battery efficiency. Before setting off on a ride, allow your electric two-wheeler’s battery to warm up. This can be achieved by turning on the vehicle and letting it idle for a few minutes.

Check the battery regularly

The battery is especially susceptible to cold weather, so it is important to check it regularly. Ensure the battery is fully charged before you ride, and check the battery level frequently while riding.

Inflate your tires properly

The cold weather can cause the tires to lose air pressure. Make sure your tires are properly inflated to ensure good traction.

Clean your electric two-wheeler regularly

The salt and sand used on the roads in the winter can damage your electric two-wheeler. Clean your electric two-wheeler regularly with a damp cloth to remove any salt or sand.

Monsoon season care of electric two-wheelers

Rainy days require special attention to ensure your safety and maintain your electric two-wheeler’s longevity. Follow these steps during the wet season

Avoid riding in deep water

If you must ride in the water, do so slowly and carefully. Avoid riding through large puddles or streams.

Check the tires regularly 

The tires on your electric two-wheeler can become slippery in wet weather. Make sure the tires are properly inflated and have good tread.

Inspect Brake System

Wet conditions can impact braking efficiency. Regularly check the brake pads, brake fluid levels, and brake performance. Replace worn-out brake pads and top up brake fluid as necessary.

Increase Visibility

Due to reduced visibility during heavy rains, make sure all lights and indicators are in working order. Clean and maintain your vehicle’s lighting system for maximum visibility on the road.

Clean the electric two-wheeler regularly 

The rain can wash dirt, mud, and debris onto your electric two-wheeler. This can damage the electrical components and make the vehicle look dirty. Clean the electric two-wheeler regularly with a damp cloth.

Inspect the electrical components 

The rain can corrode the electrical components of your electric two-wheeler. Inspect the electrical components regularly for any signs of corrosion or damage.

Store the electric two-wheeler in a dry place

 If you are not going to be using your electric two-wheeler for an extended period of time, store it in a dry place. This will help to prevent the electrical components from corroding.

Overall Care(All Time)

In addition to the seasonal care tips above, there are some general care tips that you should follow to keep your electric two-wheeler in good condition:

  • Read your owner’s manual. The owner’s manual will provide you with specific care instructions for your electric two-wheeler.
  • Inspect your electric two-wheeler regularly. Check for any loose screws, cracks, or damage.
  • Replace worn parts. If any parts on your electric two-wheeler are worn, replace them as soon as possible.
  • Keep your electric two-wheeler clean. A clean electric two-wheeler will run better and last longer.


Electric two-wheelers are a great way to get around, but they require some care to keep them running smoothly. By following the tips in this article, you can help to ensure that your electric two-wheeler lasts for many years to come.


Why is sessional care important for my electric two-wheeler?

Regular maintenance and sessional care are essential for the optimal performance and longevity of your electric two-wheeler. Proper care ensures that the battery, tires, brakes, and other crucial components remain in good condition, leading to a safer and more efficient ride.

How often should I perform sessional care on my electric two-wheeler?

Sessional care, which includes seasonal and all-time maintenance, should be performed at specific intervals. It is recommended to prepare your electric two-wheeler for each season (summer, winter, and rainy) and conduct all-time care tasks regularly or as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.

What should I do to prepare my electric two-wheeler for summer storage?

To prepare your electric two-wheeler for summer storage, thoroughly clean the vehicle, charge the battery to its maximum capacity, and top up any necessary fluids. Storing the vehicle in a cool, dry place will also help maintain its condition during the hot summer months.

How can I maintain my electric two-wheeler battery during winter?

During winter, warm up the battery before riding, check tire traction, and store the vehicle properly when not in use. Keeping the battery charged to around 50% and disconnecting it during storage will help preserve its health during the colder months.

How can I protect my electric two-wheeler during the rainy season?

To protect your electric two-wheeler during the rainy season, inspect the brake system regularly, consider waterproofing sensitive electrical components, and ensure your vehicle’s lighting system is in proper working condition for increased visibility on wet roads.

Can I clean my electric two-wheeler with any type of cleaning product?

It is recommended to use cleaning products that are specifically recommended by the manufacturer for your electric two-wheeler. Harsh chemicals or abrasive materials could damage the vehicle’s surfaces and paint.

How can I ensure the longevity of my electric two-wheeler’s battery?

To maximize the lifespan of your electric two-wheeler’s battery, avoid frequent full discharges and overcharging. Following proper charging habits and storing the battery in moderate temperatures will contribute to its longevity.

Why is checking tire pressure important, and how often should I do it?

Checking tire pressure regularly is crucial because properly inflated tires improve stability and efficiency while riding. Tire pressure can fluctuate due to temperature changes, so it’s a good practice to check it at least once a month.

Can I perform all-time care tasks myself, or should I consult a professional?

Many all-time care tasks, such as regular cleaning and checking tire pressure, can be performed by the owner. However, for more complex maintenance tasks or if you are unsure about any aspect of care, it is best to consult a professional technician to ensure proper handling and diagnosis.

What are the benefits of following the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule?

Adhering to the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule ensures that your electric two-wheeler receives timely checks, repairs, and servicing. It helps identify potential issues early on, prevent major problems, and keeps your vehicle warranty valid.

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