About US

Welcome to EV-Chronicle, your ultimate destination for all things electric two-wheelers in India. We are passionate about the future of sustainable transportation and committed to bringing you the latest updates, insights, and trends in the world of electric mobility.

Our Journey

With over a decade of profound experience in the automotive two-wheeler industry, we stand as pioneers in understanding the dynamic landscape of India’s electric vehicle revolution. Our journey began with a vision to bridge the gap between technology and the everyday rider. Throughout our careers, we have been fortunate to work with esteemed companies, gaining insights into cutting-edge innovations that are reshaping the way we commute.

Our Mission

At EV-Chronical, our mission is to empower you with knowledge. We believe that informed choices lead to a greener and more sustainable future. Our platform serves as a hub for enthusiasts, riders, and industry professionals alike, fostering a community driven by a shared passion for electric mobility.

What Sets Us Apart


With a solid foundation in the automotive industry, we bring a unique blend of technical expertise and real-world insights. Our in-depth understanding of electric two-wheelers allows us to provide you with accurate, reliable, and up-to-date information.

Unbiased Reviews

Our commitment to integrity means that you can trust us to deliver honest and unbiased reviews of the latest electric two-wheelers in the market. We aim to guide you in making informed decisions tailored to your needs.

Community Focus

We’re more than just a blog; we’re a community. Join us as we connect riders, enthusiasts, and industry experts through engaging content, discussions, and events. Together, we’ll drive forward the electric revolution.

Meet the Team

Our team is led by Dharmendra Tiwari, an accomplished automobile professional with an impressive track record in the two-wheeler industry. Backed by a dedicated group of writers, researchers, and enthusiasts, we’re driven by a shared commitment to shaping the future of transportation in India.

Get in Touch

We’re excited to have you on board our journey toward a cleaner, greener, and more efficient mode of transportation. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or new to the world of electric two-wheelers, we invite you to explore our blog, join the conversation, and be a part of the electric revolution.

Connect with us on our mail id- ev2wheeler.co@gmail.com to share your thoughts and suggestions, or simply to say hello.

Thank you for choosing EV-Chronicle – Where Innovation and Mobility Converge.